IP Geolocation API

IP Geolocation API

IP2Location IP Geolocation web service is a REST API service to do a reverse IP location lookup for ISO3166 country code, region or state, city and so on.

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IP Geolocation Features

Get website visitor physical location by IP address.

  • IP Address
  • Country, Region, City
  • Weather
  • Latitude, Longitude, ZIP code, Area Code, Elevation
  • Usage Type
  • Address Type
  • IAB Category
  • Time Zone, ISP, Domain, Net Speed

Use Cases

IP geolocation data - how it works?

Location Targeting

Customize your website by dynamically displaying localized content to improve the user experience. It helps to increase engagement and conversions.

IP address is captured.
Country: United States
Country and other geolocation information are returned.
Display localized content
The page is displayed for visitors from specific location.
IP Redirect

Auto redirect visitors to a desired destination based on the user’s IP address location, such as country, state & city using IP geolocation technology.

IP address is captured.
Country: United States
Country and other geolocation information are returned.
Redirect to US page
Visitors from the United States are redirected to the desired destination page.
IP Blocking

Automatically block visitors to your website by country, state & city based on IP address. It helps to manage geographic restrictions to reduce spam and unwanted traffics to your website.

IP address is captured.
Country: United States
Country and other geolocation information are returned.
Block visitors from United States
Visitors from the United States are blocked from viewing or accessing the content.
Language & Currency

Auto recognize the right language version and the right currency for payments to maximize customer shopping experience when making purchases in multilingual shops.

IP address is captured.
Lang: En, Currency: $
Language, currency and other geolocation information are returned.
Display EN language & US dollar
The right language and currency are displayed for the visitors from US.
Map View & Time Zone

Together with geolocation information such as country, state, city, latitude/longitude and time zone, the IP Geolocation API can be used to visualize and explore your data on a custom map or display the correct time zone.

IP address is captured.
Lat: 37.40, Time: -07:00
Latitude, time zone and other geolocation information are returned.
Display map & time zone
The location of IP address is marked on map and the time zone is displayed.
Fraud Detection

IP analysis helps fraud investigators to understand geographical and network information related to the user’s IP address including proxies or crawlers. These location data can be used to protect your business by assisting you in preventing and detecting fraud.

IP address is captured.
Country: United States
Country and other geolocation information are returned.
Take action if fraud detected
It might be a fraud if the country of IP address is not same as the country of shipping address.
Analytics & Insights

The use of geolocation information helps marketers to get a better understanding of customer behavior and derive more actionable insights for potential leads.

IP address is captured.
Country: United States
Country and other geolocation information are returned.
Study Visitors Behaviour
Visitors behaviour are studied to boost sales.

Perform IP Geolocation Lookup to Obtain Geolocation Information